This blog is ment to post accurate news on church matters and religious affaires mainly from Churches in Romania and Europe. It will also envisage Ecumenical Relations, Church and Politics, Church and Society relationships, Church and State relationships and interaction, Development of Inter-Confessional and Inter-Religious Dialogue. The Christian Literature, Theological Studies and the issue of Freedon of Thought and Religious Freedom in Public space will not be forgoten.
On 5th of November, Patriarch Daniel received the visit of the Italian Ambassador in Bucharest, Daniele Mancini.
The visit took place in the context of the escalating Romanian - Italian, crisis followed by the killing of Giovannei Reggiani by a Romanian citizen of Rroma ethnicity, that generated an incredible xenofobia against Romanians, xenofobia encouraged by Italian mass-media and political parties [especially that of Fiamma Tricolore and that of the Eurodeputy Allesandra Mussolini].
The visit happened also after the very week results visit of the Romanian State Officials, among whom the Foreign Afaires Ministry Adrian Cioroianu expressed the opinion that there is need for "concentrations camps for delicvents and he is thinking to buy land in the Saharian Desert to build the camps".
Patriarch Daniel expressed the compassion for the tragedy.
His Excelency Danielle Mancini expressd the openess of Italian authorities to work with the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Romanian authorities in organizing and developing plans and programmes for social inclusion of Romanian Citizens established in Italy.
On 5th of November, His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania received the visit of the Royal House of Serbia and Yugoslavia, Prince Alexandru II and Princess Ecaterina. Among other issues related to solidarity and fraternity of Serbian and Romanian nations, subjects regarding the recent dificulties of the Serbian Orthodox Church were discussed.
More, the focus of the discussion was also regarding possibilities of cooperation with Romanian Orthodox Church in Social Programmes.
This last topic is placing and shaping the future role of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Development Policy in the Balkans.
Before election of Patriarch Daniel, in one of our articles we expressed our concern and expectations regarding the policy of the new Patriarch towards the Autonomous Metropolitanate of Bessarabia and, generally speaking, towards the Orthodox Church in the Republic of Moldova and the policy of Moscow Patriarchate. Just to remember, the first article of this blog (just happened to be like this and it was nothing intentioally done) announced that Patriarch Teoctist, His Memory Be Eternal, was planning for September 2007 a Pastoral visit to Autonomous Metropolitanate of Bessarabia from Republic of Moldova. It never happened as the Patriarch Teoctist died in July.
Than, after election Patriarch Daniel the expectations on the new policy become more an more relevant for Church. It took no too long. The new Patriarch informed about the decision to reactivate three dioceses in Bessarabia which had been forced to interrupt their activity by the Soviet power. This reactivation was an intrinsic consequence of the fact that, following the final and irevocable ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, in 2004, and through the modifications registered in the Statute of the Organisation and Functioning of the Autonomous Metropolitanate of Bessarabia, this [the Metropolitanate of Bessarabia] that was recognised as "the spiritual, canonical, historical successor of the Metropolitanate of Bessarabia, which functioned until 1944 included", together with its dioceses: 1. The Archdiocese of Chişinău, 2. the Diocese of Southern Bessarabia and 3. the Diocese of Dubăsari and All Transnistria, which were reactivated by the Metropolitanate of Bessarabia and were all officially registered as such by the Government of the Republic of Moldova, enjoying a legal status already a few years before.
Thus, the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church has taken notice, with blessings, of the juridical recognition by the state authorities of the Republic of Moldova of the above mentioned eparchies of the Metropolitanate of Bessarabia and reactivate them as they belong to the jurisdiction of the Romanian Patriarchate.
The reaction of Moscow Patriarchate did not waited one day. Mitropolitan Kiril of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, sent to Interfax the following: [in Russian]
We do not have to breack the cannonical rules and jurisdictions. This decision [reopenning the ancient dioceses in Bessarabia] destroing the unity of the Holy Orthodoxy. The actions of the Romanian Patriarchate will not last without consequences, said Kiril. He also said that the planned for Novemver 2007 Dialogue Session between Romanian Orthodox Church and The Russian Orthodox Church is not possible anymore as if it will take place it will be misunderstood both in Republic Moldova, Romania and even in Russia. It seems that Kiril suggested that if the Meeting will be held as planned the world will see that Moscow accepted the decisions of the of the Autonomous Metropolitanate of Bessarabia from Republic of Moldova and of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
Kiril said that the Russian Synod is preaparing a reaction document regarding the decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
We are going tp follow closely the evolution of this.
Until next: Congratulation Your Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church! This is a big step towards restoration of democracy in Church jurisdiction not only in the frame of Orthodox World but also in the Christianity. It is a line and a light showing that the former Soviet policy of 1944, on submiting church jurisdiction to whomever they wanted can not be valid anymore.
It is indeed a trend for the Romanian Orthodox Church to increase the realism of the Social Mission. The first day after the enthronment of Patriarch Daniel it became a fact. If until now during the last 17 years of Patriarch Teoctist rule the Church developed structures and human resources for its Social Mission, one step forward was made by patriarch Daniel. And this step is called "The Protocol for CooperationRregarding Social Inclusion. It is a protocol between the Romanian Patriarchate and the Government of Romania. Well established in the legislation, the parties of the protocol express that the objectives of this are:
1. strenghtening the national mechanisms for social inclusion in Romania 2. promoting dialogue between parties for improvement of the legislative and institutional framework in the field of social inclusion 3. define key priorities for elaborating common programes and projects in the field of social inclusion 4. establish the cooperation premises, exchange of information and mutual assistance
The duration of the protocol is 10 years, that is year 2017. In our (blogger) view this period means that both the Government and the Patriarchate of Romania assessed more realistically that the social problems, the need of social insertion would not be over after the implementation of the National Development Plan (2007-2013) already established and negociated by Romanian Government and European Commission.
The obligations of the parties of this protocol are related to the Objectives in very speciffic manner.
If you are intrested in the whole text of the protocol please contact us.
In his speach, Patriarch Daniel, after signing the protocol underlined that the meaning of this protocol is first "the common concern and responsablity of Government of Romania and Romanian Orthodox Church towards disavantaged, poor, marginalized, abandoned children by parents gone to work outside the country, alone aged people, and others in suffering.
The Patriarch said to the Government members that the involvement of the Church in social insertion is both "a spiritual vocation and a pragmatic necessity". He also said that nowaday cooperation with State is ment for more efficiency but also for deepening the spiritual meaning, and expresing the ethical side of the funding alocated by Romanian State and the European Union for alleviating the poverty and implementation of EU cohesion policy.
His Eminence Nifon, Archbishop of Targoviste Was Entrusted by the Holy Synod to Lead the Ceremony and Give Voice to the Historical Gramata for the sixth Patriarch of Romania.
The Gramata of the Holy Synod To the beloved clergy and the orthodox faithful in the divinely protected Archdiocese of Bucharest and Metropolitan see of Muntenia and Dobrogea, and to all those in the patriarchate of the romanian orthodox church, to all the listeners and readers of this Gramata of the Holy Synod, May the grace and peace of God, our heavenly Father, be with you, and receive Our hierarchical blessings
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ instituted in His Holy Church greater and lesser ministries, and, through the sending from heaven of His all-holy and life-giving Spirit in the form of tongues of fire unto His holy apostles and disciples, He gave them strength to preach the word of His Gospel, and through the laying-on of hands, in an unbroken chain from the holy apostles to this day, all servants of God’s Church and shepherds of Christ’s flock have been accounted worthy to partake of the same gifts and grace. Speaking as their humble followers, we openly announce to all that, through the departure to the Lord of the Patriarch of happy remembrance Teoctist Arăpaşu, the See of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrogea and Patriarchate of the Romanian Orthodox Church has become vacant. Subject to the provisions of article 130, paragraphs “d” and “p” from the Statute for the Organisation and Functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church, by address no. 3353/2007, the Holy Synod was summoned in an extraordinary session to designate three candidates from among the diocesan hierarchs, and by address no. 3373/2007, on the same day, 12th September 2007, the Church’s Electoral College convened to elect the Archbishop of Bucharest, Metropolitan of Muntenia and Dobrogea, and Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church from among the three candidates recommended by the Holy Synod. Consequently, after the celebration of a Te Deum service in the Patriarchal Cathedral, at 17,00, the Church’s Electoral College convened in the hall of the Palace of the Romanian Patriarchate. Here, under the presidency of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae of Banat, the senior hierarch with respect to the time of his ordination to the episcopate, according to the order of the diptics, complying with the Church’s regulations, elected His Eminence Dr. Daniel Ciobotea, Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bucovina, for the vacant see of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrogea and Patriarchate of the Romanian Orthodox Church. He has been accounted worthy to be called to this high dignity through his persistance in confessing the true faith of the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church, his exemplary and three—fold ministry of teaching, sanctification and leadership as Christ’s hierarch, through his tireless missionary zeal, vast pastoral, social and charitable work in the service of his flock, by promoting, strengthening and renewing the ecclesial administrative work in the Archdiocese of Iaşi, by cultivating brotherly relations with the members of the Metropolitan Synod, by carrying out the responsabilities given by the Holy Synod to represent the Romanian Orthodox Church at international Church forums, inter-Orthodox and inter-Christian theological conventions, for which activities he has been awarded academic titles, through his activity as a professor of theology who has written well-appreciated theological works, hundreds of papers and articles instrumental for the education of theology students and the Romanian Orthodox clergy, by founding viable theological, cultural and charitable institutions, by proving his obedience to the Holy Synod and demonstrating respect for the laws of the country. In accordance to article 130, paragraph “u” and article 131 paragraph “l” from the Statute for the Organisation and Functioning of the Romanian Orthodox Church, We, the members of the Holy Synod, have proceeded to examine this election from a canonical perspective in our session on 12th September 2007, and having found that the election complied with all legal requirements, we validated and approved the election of His Eminence Metropolitan Daniel Ciobotea in the vacant See of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, Metropolitanate of Muntenia and Dobrogea and Patriarchate of the Romanian Orthodox Church and President of our Holy Synod. Consequently, today, Sunday, the 30th of September 2007, having celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral, in the presence of the members of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the President of Romania, the representatives of state authorities, the delegations of Orthodox Churches and other world Churches and Christian organizations, of the other Churches and religions in the country, in the presence of many members of the clergy and the faithful people from the Archdiocese of Bucharest and the entire Romanian Orthodox Church, We, Laurenţiu, Metropolitan of Ardeal, Bartolomeu, Metropolitan of Cluj, Alba, Crişana and Maramureş, Teofan, Metropolitan of Oltenia, Nicolae, Metropolitan of Banat, Petru, Metropolitan of Basarabia, Serafim, Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Germany, Central and Northern Europe and Iosif, Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Western and Southern Europe, having celebrated the Enthronement Doxology in the Patriarchal Cathedral, hand to His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel, in the name of the Holy Synod, according to the traditional custom, the insignia of the patriarchal ministry: the Gramata of the Holy Synod, the patriarchal mantle, the patriarchal cross and engolpions, the white kamilavka with a cross on it, as well as the archpastoral staff, and we sit him on the patriarchal throne according to his calling and worthiness. Seeing the love he enjoys from the clergy, faithful, monks and nuns of the Church of our Nation and the appreciation of all present here reflecting the esteem he enjoys inside the country and abroad, feeling confident that His Beatitude will continue to be an example of brotherly love, tireless work, good counsel and parental wisdom in order to be a guide to us all and an impulse to strengthen, defend and honour all the teachings of the Holy Gospel, in the spirit of the Holy Apostles, Fathers and that of peace among men and nations, we recommend His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel to all the members of the order of the presbyters and the monastic order, as well as to the Orthodox Christians in the divinely protected Archdiocese of Bucharest, Metropolitan See of Muntenia and Dobrogea and Romanian Patriarchate, urging all to respect and obey him fully as their legitimate Hierarch and our Primate, as Patriarch and President of the Holy Synod. We ourselves undertake to bow to him, and with full willingness show him respect and obedience in all circumstances, as brothers in the Lord, wishing that he may lead his flock with diligence, kindness, justice and love of the people, persevering in his unceasing work of preaching the word of God and looking always to the One Who completes and is the standard of our faith, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, To Whom is due all glory, honour and worship, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Issued today, Sunday, the 30th of September in the year of our salvation 2007.
† Laurenţiu † Bartolomeu Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Ardeal Archbishop of Vad, Feleac and Cluj and Metropolitan of Cluj, Alba, Crişana and Maramureş † Teofan † Nicolae Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia Archbishop of Timişoara and Metropolitan of Banat † Petru † Serafim Archbishop of Chişinău, Metropolitan of Bessarabia and Exarch of Plaiuri Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Germany, Central and Northern Europe † Iosif Metropolitan of the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Western and Southern Europe † Teodosie † Nifon Archbishop of Tomis Archbishop of Tвrgovişte † Pimen † Andrei Archbishop of Suceava and Rădăuţi Archbishop of Alba Iulia † Nicolae Archbishop of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese for the Two Americas † Gherasim † Eftimie Bishop of Rвmnic Bishop of Roman † Epifanie † Calinic Bishop of Buzău and Vrancea Bishop of Argeş and Muscel † Ioachim † Casian Bishop of Huşi Bishop of Dunărea de Jos † Timotei † Lucian Bishop of Arad, Ienopole and Hălmagiu Bishop of Caransebeş † Sofronie † Justinian Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Oradea, Bihor and Sălaj Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Maramureş and Sătmar † Nicodim † Damaschin Bishop of Severin and Strehaia Bishop of Slobozia and Călăraşi † Ioan † Galaction Bishop of Covasna and Harghita Bishop of Alexandria and Teleorman † Ambrozie † Daniil Bishop of Giurgiu Bishop-Locum Tenens (Administrator) of the Diocese Dacia Felix † Siluan Bishop of the Romanian Orthodox Diocese in Hungary † Vincenţiu Ploieşteanul † Ciprian Cвmpineanul Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch Assistant Bishop to the Patriarch † Sebastian Ilfoveanul † Varsanufie Prahoveanul Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Bucharest † Calinic Botoşăneanul † Visarion Răşinăreanul Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Iaşi Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Sibiu † Gurie Gorjeanul † Paisie Lugojanul Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Craiova Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Timişoara † Irineu Bistriţeanul † Vasile Someşanul Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj Assistant Bishop to the Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj † Sofian Braşoveanul † Siluan Marsilianul Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Germany, Central and Northern Europe Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Western and Southern Europe † Marc Nemţeanul † Ioan Casian de Vicina Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan See for Western and Southern Europe Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of the Two Americas
† Irineu Slătineanul † Ioachim Băcăuanul Assistant Bishop to the Diocese of Rвmnic Assistant Bishop to the Diocese of Roman † Corneliu Bвrlădeanul † Petroniu Sălăjanul Assistant Bishop to the Diocese of Huşi Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Oradea, Bihor and Sălaj † Iustin Sigheteanul Assistant Bishop to the Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Maramureş and Sătmar
The Speech of His Beatitude Daniel on the occasion of his enthronement as Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church– 30 September 2007 – can be found both in Romanian and English at
Ath the same web page you may find the following speaches:
After enthronment ceremony, during the afternoon, His Beatitude was invited to Cotroceni Presidential Palace were President Basescu conffered to him a highest Order of Romania.
The ceremony was lead by Archbishop Nifon of Targoviste and begun at 8:30 with the Holy Liturgy and than after the enthronment continued with Te Deum.
More thant 30 foreign delagations attendend the enthronement. Archpriests, Deans from the Romanian Orthodox Church, Theologians and students in theology, but also delegates from all Christian Orthodox countries and from other Christian denominations attended the ceremony.
President Traian Basescu, former Presidents Ion Iliescu and Emil Constantinescu and the former King Michael together with members of the Royal Family of Romania were present. Representatives from Political parties in Romania took part in the event.
During the ceremony, the new patriarch were given the liturgical symbols, the Patriarchal Rod, the Garment, the Engolpions, all symbols of his authority, and the white headdress.
A solemn session of the enthronement took place in the Administrative Palace of the Patriarchate. Delegates from the Apostolic Churches beginning with the throne of Constantinople and ending with the word of Pope Benedict the XVI represented by Cardinal Kasper addressed congratulations and words of hope in improved cooperation, continuation and renewal of dialogue between the Romanian Orthodox Church and other Orhtodox Churches and Confessions from all over the world.
Symbolic gifts of recognition, unity in prayer and work have been presented to His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel: A Patriarchal Rod from Ecumenical Patriarchate, a Holy Calist from Vatican, Icons meaningful to the new position and theological, lithurgical and social responsabilities of His Beatitude Daniel and croses with patriarchal engolpions from other Orthodox Delagations as for example from His Eminence, Alexey II, Patriarch of Moskow and All Russia.
At 16:30 His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel will be welcomed by Traian Basescu at Cotroceni Palace who will confere upon the new Patriarch the national order "Star of Romania in rank of Great Cross"
The Romanian Greek - Catholic Church and the Romanian Orthodox Church - Sister Churches!
Sibiu EEA September 2007
“May they all be one, just as,Father, you are in me and I am in you,so that they also may be in us,so that the world may believe it was you who sent me.”( John 17,21)
Your Excellencies,Dear brothers and sisters in Christ the Lord,
Some weeks ago I read two italian articles in two famous magazines where the relations between the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church and the Romanian Orthodox Church were presented as a serious difficulty before the EEA of Sibiu.These articles put an interesting question: How could we organize an important ecumenical meeting in a country where two important Churches have a difficult dialogue? This hearing tries to speak about the real difficulties but also about the signs of hope in the dialogue of these two Romanian Churches.
1. Common liturgical heritage and history Both Churches belong to the Byzantine liturgical tradition, the main difference we have is in the problem of jurisdiction. The Romanians arrived in the second millennium to have the communion with Constantinople and only in the XVIIth century an important community of Romanians from Transylvania reestablished the communion with Rome. So in the last 3 centuries we could speak about two byzantine Romanian Churches: one in communion with Rome (The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church) and one in communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchy and with the other Orthodox Churches.
During the XVIIIth and XIXth century both Churches tried to defend the Romanian identity in the territories under Habsburg rule, the interests of the Romanian nation being more important than the confessional differences.
After 1918 Transylvania united with the Romanian Kingdom and the Greek-Catholics were the second Church after the Orthodox one as importance, number of faithful and had also the title of “National Church” in the Constitution of 1923 together with its Orthodox Sister.
In 1948 the Romanian communists didn’t accept anymore the existence of the RGCC and for 41 years this Church of almost 2 million faithful was persecuted, all the bishops being in prison, very many priests and religious men and women in prison and its goods divided between the state and the ROC with the decree 358/1948(abrogated today).During all this period of time the Greek-Catholics lived in an “underground Church” but continued to exist even if the persecution was especially in the first 15 years very powerful.
2. The period of the difficult dialogue (1989-1998)
After the fall of the communism the RGCC was officially recognized again by the state and all the five Eparchies had bishops appointed by the Pope John Paul II. The goods of this Church were in their majority still in the possession of the ROC and the state gave the Law 126/1990 in which the problem had to be solved with a dialogue between the two Churches. The meetings of Metropolitan (future Cardinal) Alexandru Todea with the new Romanian Authorities didn’t solve the question of goods and the ROC asked for a so called “referendum” of the faithful in order to see if the faithful agreed with the restitution of goods to the Greek-Catholics.
In 1993 the Statement of Balamand underlined at point 3: ” Concerning the Eastern Catholic Churches, it is clear that they, as part of the Catholic Communion, have the right to exist and to act in response to the spiritual needs of their faithful .”Also at point 12 the Statement said: “…Catholics and Orthodox once again consider each other in relationship to the mystery of the Church and discover each other once again as Sister Churches…”. The term “Sister Churches” used before by Pope Paul VIth and by Patriarch Athenaguras is used again by Balamand Statement and even in nour days documents the Orthodox Churches are considered Sister Churches of the local Catholic Churches, which is the case for the RGCC and ROC. The Eastern Catholic Churches are seeing not only by OE and UR as important for the ecumenical dialogue but the Statement of Balamand said at point 21 that “the authorities of the Catholic Church will assist the Eastern Catholic Churches and their communities so that they themselves may prepare full communion between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.”. At point 24 the Balamand Statement underlined the religious freedom of the faithful who must have the liberty to choose between Catholic and Orthodox Churches. At point 26 we see the responsibilities of the bishops and clergy of both Churches for joint local commissions for finding solutions ” to concrete problems and seeing that these solutions are applied in truth and love, in justice and peace”. Point 31 of the Statement recalled the words of St. Paul to the Corinthians (1Corinthiams 6,17) and asked for fraternal dialogue in the question of the possession and return of ecclesiastical property. Both Catholics and Orthodox must express their gratitude to the confessors of the faith that “call us to unity”(BS 33).
In May 1996 a delegation of the ROC and a delegation of the RGCC had an unofficial meeting at “Pro Oriente” Foundation in the Austrian capital followed by an Appeal to reconciliation made by the Holy Senate of ROC in 1997 and a Statement made by the Greek-Catholic Metropolitan in 1998.
3. The mixed dialogue commisions (1998-2004)
On the 28th of October 1998 there was the first meeting of the mixed dialogue commission between the two Churches which established the principles of the dialogue. The meeting took place at the Patriarchal Palace in Bucharest and a new hope appeared in the relations between ROC and RGCC.
On the 28th January 1999 the mixed commission met at the Metropolitan Greek-Catholic Castle in Blaj and the RGCC asked for the Cathedrals of Baia Mare and Oradea and for the churches in the places where the ROC has its own Church. The ROC accepted that the 100 churches that in the last 10 years were regained by the Greek-Catholics should not be asked again by the ROC. Local commissions were asked and both churches bishops spoke about the future visit of the Pope John Paul II in Bucharest.
The 3rd meeting of the commission took place in the Orthodox Monastery in Ramet one month after the historic visit of the Holy father in Bucharest, John Paul II and Patriarch speaking both about the hopes for the mixed commission. The ROC bishops spoke about the need of new churches and expressed reserves concerning alternative services. There was a list with the main important Churches that were requested by the Greek-Catholics.
The 4th meeting took place in Oradea at the Greek-Catholic Major Seminar and the RGCC bishops asked again for the Cathedrals, for the protopresbyteral churches and for the churches in the towns/ villages where the ROC had its own churches and also alternatives services were there was only one Church. The ROC bishops didn’t accept the requests speaking about the desire of faithful.
The 5th meeting took place at the Orthodox Monastery of Sambata de Sus and both Churches recognized a better relation between them, asking again for local commissions and for the building of new churches.
The 6th meeting took place at the Greek-Catholic bishopric Palace in Lugoj with the participation of the Orthodox Metropolitan Nicolae of Banat, Metropolitan who gave back almost all the churches to the Greek-Catholics in the Timish County. For the first time the ROC and the RGCC bishops spoke about social and cultural dialogues and activities organized by them.
The 7th meeting took place at Arad. The RGCC bishops speaking again about the naturall right to go to civil courts if the situation will not improve in some parts of the country. Both parts spoke about some particular cases as St. Basil Church in Bucharest or the Cathedrals of Oradea and Baia Mare. The RGCC bishops asked the ROC to recognize the decisions of the civil courts concerning property. The ROC bishops spoke again about the desires of the faithful.
The 8th meeting took place in Baia Mare but the positions of the two Churches didn’t change. In June 2004 the Holy Synod of the ROC asked the RGCC to choose the mixed commission and the civil trials. After that unfortunately the mixed commission didn’t meet anymore. Even today we have more than 2000 churches which are not given back and there are different civil trials between the two Churches. Some ex-Greek-Catholic churches were demolished but not given back (Vadu Izei -MM,Badon-Sj).
4. After the mixed commisions (2004-now)
In June 2005 Law 182 modified partially the Law 126/1990 and different trials were opened to solve the question of goods between the two Churches. In the Timis and Caras Counties there is a real dialogue between ROC and RGCC and different churches were given back, sign that the local commission can have results if there is love and justice.
Unfortunately in the other regions the dialogue is not very easy on this issue even if the example was followed in Oradea where the Cathedral was given back without a trial.
5. Hopes for the future
The ROC is an important period of its history and in few days it will have a new Patriarch, which surely will want to develop the ecumenical dialogue with the Catholic Church and in particular will surely try to arrive at a better dialogue with the RGCC and find real solutions for the problem of goods.
The RGCC became a Major Archbishopric Church and will continue the dialogue with its Sister Church not only on the question of goods but on possible common activities concerning the defense of life and of Christian values in the Romanian Society.
In the last years there are more and more common events and we can see a clear decision of both ROC and RGCC to discover again their common roots and to respect their differences. The Servant of God John Paul II will protect both Churches in the common way to unity, to Christ the Lord.Fr. Drd. Coriolan C. MuresanJudicial Vicar of the Eparchy of LugojSecretary of the Ecumenical Commission of The RGCC
Delegates at the Third European Ecumenical Assembly meeting in Sibiu, Romania, concluded their weeklong gathering on 9 September 2007 with a call to the churches of Europe to deepen their support for migrants and other victimised minority groups.In a four-page Assembly Message citing 10 recommendations for the future, delegates from Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican and Free Church traditions urged the continent's churches to focus that care on to the Roma people in particular and to make efforts to "offer better pastoral care for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees".Acknowledging the continuing quest for Christian unity in Europe, the assembly recommended that churches renew their common mission "to proclaim Christ as the Light and the Saviour of the world".
It also encouraged churches to continue dialoguing towards a "mutual recognition of baptism", create more opportunities for common prayer, pilgrimages, theological education and study in support of Christian values, and that churches work towards "the full participation of the whole people of God", including "young people, the elderly, ethnic minorities and disabled people."The assembly reaffirmed the Charta Oecumenica, a set of guidelines agreed in Europe for Christian interaction and cooperation, calling it a "stimulating" resource "for our ecumenical journey in Europe".The assembly exhorted European churches and European institutions to be courageous in addressing the needs of the whole world, while the Message recommended support for the UN's Millennium Development Goals and the creation of a new "consultative process" among church organisations on the European role in addressing ecological justice, human rights and other issues of globalisation.It also recommended the backing of initiatives for debt cancellation and fair trade.
The Third European Ecumenical Assembly - follwing similar events in Basel1989 and Graz 1997 - concluded with a new consensus to set aside the period between 1 September and 4 October on an annual basis to pray for the protection of creation and "the promotion of sustainable lifestyles that reverse our contribution to climate change".
H.E. Dr. DANIEL CIOBOTEA Archbishop of Iassy, Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bukovina Locum tenens for Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Romania Bibliographical profile
Biography :
His Eminence Dr. Daniel Ciobotea, Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bukovina, is born on the 22nd of July 1951, in Dobreşti-Bara, Department of Timiş, the third child in the family of the teacher Alexie and Stela Ciobotea.
He studied the primary school in the native village (1958-1962), Dobreşti, the secondary school in Lăpuşnic (1962-1966),, Department of Timiş. In 1966, he started the high school in the town of Buziaş and then in the town of Lugoj, at the „Coriolan Brediceanu” High School (1967-1970).
After the school leaving examination, he follows the courses of the Universitary Institute of Theology – Sibiu (1970-1974), where graduates with a thesis in New Testament.
During 1974-1976, he follows the doctorate courses at the Universitary Institute of Theology in Bucharest, at the Systematic Section, under the guidance of Rev. Professor Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae. He continues the studies abroad: two years at the Faculty of Protestant Theology – University of Human Sciences in Strasbourg (France) and two years at the „Albert Ludwig” University - Freiburg im Breisgau, the Faculty of Catholic Theology (Germany).
At the 15th of June 1979 he defends the doctoral thesis at the University of Strasbourg, called: Réflexion et vie chrétiennes aujourd'hui. Essai sur le rapport entre la théologie et la spiritualité (VII ^ 424 p.). The thesis was prepared under the guidance of two famous French professors: Gerard Ziegwald şi André Benoît and received the maximum mark. He became Doctor of the University of Strasbourg.
Am extended version of this thesis was prepared under the guidance of his mentor, Rev. Prof. Dr. Dumitru Stăniloae, and was defended at the 31st of October 1980 at the Universitary Institute of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest, entitled: Theology and Christian Spirituality. The connection between them and the present situation.
After the presentation of the thesis, the Doctor candidate Dan Ilie Ciobotea was declared Doctor in Orthodox Theology, also with maximum mark. Rev. Prof. Dr. D. Stăniloae declared then: “The examination proved to the Commission of examination that has a well prepared candidate, informed and willing to live a theological life of spiritual deepness”. We need this kind of persons, persons that live the teaching of our Church. The true spirituality of the priest of today is this: to live in such a way that he could respond to the questions of the human person of today, but to remain a true priest. With a priesthood without theological culture and without the living of the dignity and sublime mission of priesthood, the faithful people will estrange from the Church”.
In 1987, he enters in the monastic life at the Sihastria Monastery, Department of Neamţ, with the name Daniel, under the guidance of Pious Father Cleopa Ilie.
Jobs and Memberships:
· 1980-1988 – Lector at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, Geneva (Switzerland) and associate professor in Geneva and Fribourg (Switzerland) · 1988 – Councillor of Patriarchate, Director of “Contemporary Theology and Ecumenical Dialogue” Sector · 1988 – Professor of Christian Mission at the Universitary Institute of Theology - Bucharest · 1990 (March) – Elected and ordained Bishop Vicar of the Archdiocese of Timişoara · 1990 (June) – Elected Archbishop of Iassy and Metropolitan of Moldavia and Bukovina · From 1992 – Professor of Theology at the Orthodox Theological Faculty „Dumitru Stăniloae” in the „Al. I. Cuza” University – Iassy · President of the Synod National Commission for Religious Education (Bucharest) · President of the Theological and Liturgical Commission of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Romania · Honorary member of the National Commission of Historical Monuments (Bucharest) · Member of the Executive and Central Comity of the World Council of Churches(Geneva, 1991-1998) · Member in the Presidium and in the Central Comity of the Conference of European Churches (from 1990) · Vice President of the II-nd General Assembly of the Conference of European Churches (Graz, 1997) · Member of the International Academy of Religious Sciences (Bruxelles) (from 2000)
Distictions and titles:
· The Order “Faithful Service” (Great Cross) accorded by the President of Romania, Emil Constantinescu, Bucharest, 2000 · The Prize “Pro Humanitate” accorded by the European Foundation for Culture “Pro Europa” (Freiburg im Breisgau), Berlin, Germany, 2002 · Doctor Honoris Causa of the „Sacred Heart” Catholic University, Fairfield, Connecticut – U.S.A., 2003 · Honorary Senator of “Lower Danube” University, Galaţi, 2003 · Doctor Honoris Causa of the „George Enescu” Art University - Iassy – 14th of January 2006
Educational and cultural activities:
I) Founder of Institutions:
· The „Dumitru Stăniloae” Orthodox Theological Faculty (reactivated), Iassy - 1990 · The “Saint Pious Paraskeve” Orthodox Theological Seminary, Agapia - 1991 · „St. Gheorghe” Orthodox Theological Seminary, Botoşani - 1992 · “St. Ioan Iacob” Orthodox Theological Seminary Dorohoi - 1993 · Theological Sanitary School, Piatra Neamţ - 1993 · The Orthodox Academy „St. Ioan of Neamţ”, Neamţ Monastery - 1993 · “Saint Pious Paraskeve” Theological Sanitary School, Iaşi - 1994 · “T.A.B.O.R.” Metropolitan Centre of Researches - 1994 · “Saint Daniel the Hermit” Cultural Pastoral Centre, Durău - 1995 · „Dumitru Staniloae” Ecumenical Library, Iaşi - 1995 · “Saint Basil the Great” Orthodox Theological Seminary, Iaşi - 1995 · “Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen” Orthodox Theological Seminary, Piatra Neamţ - 1996 · Ecumenical and Social-Pastoral Institute „Sf. Nicholas”, Iaşi - 1997 · The Cultural-Missionary TRINITAS (Trinitas Publishing House, Printing House and Radio), Iaşi - 1997 · The Centre for Conservation and Restoration of the religious Patrimony „Resurrectio” – 1998 · The Press Trust „Lumina” (The Light) - 2007 · TRINITAS TV (broadcasting trust), Iaşi - 2007
II) Founder of publications:
· „Vestitorul Ortodoxiei” (The Herald of Orthodoxy), periodical of Church information, theology and spirituality of the Patriarchate of Romania (1990) · „Candela Moldovei” (The Lamp of Moldavia), the official bulletin of the Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina · „Teologie şi Viaţă” (Theology and Life), journal of thinking and spirituality (Iaşi, 1992) · „Lumina” (The Light), the first Christian daily journal in Romania
III) Organiser of 27 de symposia, colloquia, congresses and expositions.
IV) Initiator, supporter and coordinator of 14 social, cultural and educative programs.
Founder of institutions and active supporter: · „St. Pantelimon” Stomatological Cabinet, Iaşi - 1993 · The Physicians and Pharmacists Orthodox Association of Romania, Iaşi - 1993 · The „Diaconia” Social-Charity Department, Iaşi - 1994 · Canteens for poor people in Iaşi, Paşcani, Dorohoi, Hârlău - 1993-1995 · „St. Ap. Peter şi Paul” Policlinical Dispensary, Iaşi - 1998 · „Providenţa” Diagnose and Treatment Center, Iaşi - 2000 · „Solidaritate şi Speranţă” (Solidarity and Hope) Foundation, Iaşi - 2002 · „Providenţa II” Centre for education and medical information, Iaşi - 2002 · „Diaconia” Social Charity Institute, Iaşi - 2003 · „St. Paisie of Neamţ” Social-Cultural Centre, Neamţ Monastery - 2004 · Social-Cultural Centre „Sf. Ilie”, Miclăuşeni Monastery, 2005
I. The bringing of the relics of saints in Iassy and in the underling dioceses of the Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina:
· 1992 – a fragment from the wood of the Holy Cross preserved at the Xiropotamu Monastery, Mount Athos – Greece · 1996 – the relics of Saint Apostle Andrew, from Patras – Greece · 2000 – the relics of Saint Great Martyr George from Livadia – Greece –the relics of Saint Hierarch Basil the Great and Saint Gregory the Theologian from Bucharest · 2001 – The Girdle of the Holy Virgin from Volos – Greece · 2002 – the relics of Saint John Casian from Marseille– France · 2003 – the relics of Saint Dimitrios, the Myrrh Bearer, from Salonic – Greece · 2004 – fragment from the wood of the Holy Cross preserved in the Panaghia Soumela Monastery, Veria – Greece · 2005 – the relics of the Saint Apostle Paul from Veria – Greece · 2006 – the relics of Saint Nectarios from Eghina – Greece
II) He founded over 300 parishes, 40 monasteries and sketes, 5 Protopopiates (Iaşi I, Darabani, Săveni, Roznov and Ceahlău) and he initiated and supported the building of over 250 new churches.
III) He organised 15 anniversaries commemorations and proclamations for canonising saints in the Metropolitanate of Moldavia and Bukovina
IV) He participated at 116 symposia, congresses, conferences, colloquia or national and international assemblies.
A. Published:
· „Atât de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea...”. 12 Scrisori pastorale de Crăciun şi Paşti, (“So God loved the world” 12 pastoral letters for Christmas and Easter) Iaşi, Trinitas, 1996, 97 p. · Confessing the Truth in Love: Orthodox Perceptions on Life, Mission and Unity, Iaşi, Trinitas, 2001, 258 p. · Făclii de Înviere – Înţelesuri ale Sfintelor Paşti (Lights for Resurrection, Meanings of Easter), Iaşi, Trinitas, 2005, 183 p. · Dăruire şi dăinuire. Raze şi chipuri de lumină din istoria şi spiritualitatea românilor (Self-giving and enduring, Light Beams and faces in the history and spirituality of Romanian people), Iaşi, Trinitas, 2005, 439 p. · Daruri de Crăciun – înţelesuri ale sărbătorii Naşterii Domnului (Gifts for Christmas, meanings of the feast of Nativity), Iaşi, Trinitas, 2005, 138 p. · Brâncuşi. Sculptor creştin ortodox (Brancusi – Christian Orthodox sculptor), Iaşi, Trinitas, 2007, 88 p.
B. Prepared for publication at Trinitas Publishing House:
· Ştiinţa mântuirii - Studii de teologie socială şi misionară (The Science of salvation – researches of social and missionary theology), 350 pages); · Comori ale Ortodoxiei Studii de spiritualitate ortodoxă (Treasures of Orthodoxy, Researches in the Orthodox Spirituality), 420 pages); · Teologie şi Spiritualitate (Theology and Spirituality) (doctoral thesis, 372 pages); · Păstorul Cel Bun - Cateheze şi omilii, The Good Shepherd – Catecheses and Homilies 450 pages); · Foame şi sete după Dumnezeu - înţelesul şi folosul postului (Hunger and thirst for God – the meaning and the use of fasting, catecheses, 220 pages); · Fais l’oeuvre de l’Evangeliste (Articles of Orthodox Spirituality and Christian mission in French 215 pages).
II) Translations:
· Stăniloae Dumitru – Le génie de l’Orthodoxie. Introduction, Edit. Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 1985, col. Théophanie.
III) Other publications:
· 49 booklets; · 876 articles, researches, presentations, introductions in Romanian language; · 45 articles and researches written in French language; · 36 articles and researches written in English language; · articles and researches written in German language; · 14 articles and researches written in other languages.
In Italy, Pavia, citizens attacked a Roman-Catholic Church charity for hosting Rroma. During last months many Rroma were attacked just for being in Italy. The worst crime was when a band of teenagers burn to death a camp of Rroma/Sinti and children died in fire. Yet, only few journalists dear to say those criminals are fascists.
Now we have a new fact: Attack on Church for hosting Rroma. Those people were taken in care by the Church, were not dirty, they made no trouble and although living in simplicity as everywhere in Church Charities they were not welcomed.
Let me underline, that the Rroma/Sinti were not attacked this time BUT THE CHURCH. Why? For daring to host Rroma/Sinti. This is indeed a warning message to the Churches in Europe. The attackers, through this action are warning the Churches not to work for Rroma/Sinti as they will suffer consequences.
It is well known that at their own initiative or under the umbrella of the Conference of European Churches all Churches in Europe have helped Rroma or Non-Roma NGOs to work for alleviating the situation of Roma/Sinti.
His All Holiness addressed the people and people give impressions to the media. Metropolitan Daniel Interim Patriarch of Romania spoke about the common testiminy to be given to the world by all Christians
The event is hosted by Romania in the Transylvanian city of Sibiu.
The topics chalanged by more than 2500 official delagates from EUropean Churhces but not only are strucutred in nine Forums: Forum 1: Unity Forum 2: Spirituality Forum 3: Witness Forum 4: Europe Forum 5: Religions Forum 6: Migration Forum 7: Creation Forum 8: Justice Forum 9: Peace
There will be the big challenges towards European policy.
Among the Churhc VIPs we notice the Vatican representative, Cardinal Walter Kasper, Russian Orthodox Church representative, Kirill, bishop of Smolensk and Kaliningrad; President of the Foreign Affairs department of the Russian Patriarchy, The melkite Patriarch Gregorios III.
The event will be attended by high European officials including Jose Manuel Barroso, the President of the Parliamentary Reunion of the Council of Europe, Rene van der Linden and Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Terry Davis.
The event is the third of the kind. The first European Ecumenical Assembly took place in 1989 at Bassel, Switzerland and the second, in 1997 at Gratz, Austria.
Although the some voices from Civil Society in Hungary protested much against establisment of this paramilitary organization the Churches paied no attention to it. Church representatives were present, held prayers and blessed the gathering and sanctified the flag of the Magyar Garda. The main purpose of Magyar Garda is the revisitation of Trianon Treaty.
The presence of the clergy at the gathering is the very sign that although their Churches are in states with EU membership church people are still looking behind to the Trianon Treaty.
"Church and the Paramilitary" is not a new fashion in Europe. We have no space here to revisit the issue but there is a lot of documentation on it.
A project targeting Trianon memories was run in the last three years in Romania by Diter Brandes involving Churches, Theological Faculties and researchers. Called Healing of Memories the project is in fact a recovery memento of Trianon Treaty for the new generation, theology students and clegy.
We are going to follow the reaction of Church Institutions to this phenomenon and also see the reation of Jewish Communities in both Hungary and Romania.
Reformed bishop Laszlo Tokes predicts during an interview for that the main political organization but not party representing the Hungarian minority in Romania the country will dissolute as its leadership are "corrupt", "opportunistic" and "demagogues".
Tokes, founded a new organization, the Hungarian Civic Coalition and made hard attacks on the Hungarian Democrat Coalition in Romania (HDCR) who was and is part of the many governments along the post Ceausescu history.Bishop Tokes says HDCR is a totalitarian party and the "last bastion of communism in Romania".Tokes mourns the fact that "after 17 years, an ethnic Hungarian has no alternative and possibility to choose between many Hungarian political groups as HDCR is envisage itself as the only one Hungarian political organization in Romania.
Tokes is sure that the Hungarian Civic Coalition would manage to become a real political party and an alternative to HDCR.
The reformed Church in Romania, along with other protestant and new-protestant churches, is much involved into politics in Romania. Differently, the Romanian Orthodox Church ban all priests and bishops to get involved into politics. In the Orthodox Church clergy who would like to do politics, at any level, and be elected even in the local council has to give up priesthood.
Religion classes would become obligatory for grades 1-9 in Romanian. After negociations this was the decision concluded by the Education Ministry and other actors partaking into negotiations. There will be also positive exceptions: constitutionally, those who do not want to study it, may be receiving a derogation.Education Ministry spokewoman, A. Stefanescu says that even though religion classes are compulsory, each pupil has the right to choose his/her religion. Thus, if one wishes to study another religion than his colleagues the school has to guarantee the chance of learning it.Moreover, those who do not wish to study religion at all can do so and their grades will discount these classes. Thus, religion becomes an offer and not an obligation.
As declared by officials in Fundeni Hospital the surgery of His Beatitude Teoctist was done endoscopically. Media has doubts about it as Bishop Varsanufie declared that he has seen a cut about 10 to 15 cm while ritually prepared the body.
Well, this controversy did not end and now investigation journalists said that if done endoscopic there has to be a digital recording of the surgery. Up to now there is no official answer regarding it on behalf of Hospital officials.
Religion classes is discussed and has chance to become compulsory in Romanian schools. Ministry of Education has to discuss the proposal to introduce religion as a compulsory class from 1 to 10 grade. It is the request of all Churches in Romania. According to officials form Ministry of Education until 25 of August there will be a decison on whether religion will be compulsory in school curricula or stay optional.
There are more than 10 500 religion teachers as the curricula up to now records relgion as optional and only from 1 to 8 grade. Rising it up to the 10 grade and making it compulsory will solve the problem of about 3000 graduates that are qualified in the field of religion, now unemployed or temporary, part time employed.
Employing about 3000 qualified teachers in religion especially in rural areas will diminish the around 70 % rate of non-qualifed teachers that the Ministry of Education is confronted with since about three years.
Association for Freedom of Counsciousness recently issued a protest against broadcasting the Our Father prayer at the beginning and the end of National Radio dayly broadcasts.
Without having the necesary documentation, that Our Father is accepted as prayer by all confessions, the officals of the above named association said that broadcasting the prayer is discriminating other "Confessions" ...?! ... than the Orthodox. Follwing the bolgs and commentaries we can notice that all comentators are in favour of broadcasting the prayer... some answers stating that also in Islam and in Baha'i religion Our Father is accepted as prayer and that Our Father is from a theological point of view an ecumenical foundation.
Although in the press conference and other interviews regarding the death of the Patriarch the Medical Doctors said that the intervention was laparoscopic, urethral and with laser, and there have been a lot of talks on the embalmment with or without organs, and there were precise statements form Patriarchate that the embalmment of the Patriarch was done intravenous, keeping in all organs in with no surgical incise, now after two weeks two people declared to Journalist Victor Roncea from Ziua that, when doing the ritual washing and anointing they have seen a surgical incise of about 10 – 15 centimeters. It means that the surgery intervention contrary to declarations and the documentation of the hospital was done in a classical way. First, Abbot Nectarie from Radu Voda Monastery declared it and then Varsanufie, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Patriarch, confirmed it to Ziua in a by phone interview.
This new findings might complicate the all inquiries made by the Public Prosecutor, the Ministry of Health and the National College of Medical Doctors.
Not only the media is digging day by day regarding the situation of emergency or not emergency surgery case of Patriarch Teoctist . Now after the Ministry of Health begun a inquiry on procedures, documentation and other issues related to legislation, inform consent, hospital exit and autopsy, the General Prosecutors Office begun to search on the case.
The Mass Media Found That The Bucharest College For Medical Doctors Declared No Malpractice And Closed The Case Of Surgery Intervention Of Patriarch Teoctist Without Interviewing The Doctor Who Made Anesthesia.
It is to be noticed that the MD who made the anesthesia, MD Tulbure, cannot be found since the Patriarch was declared death.
Thus, the Media in Romania keeps asking why the Bucharest College of Medical Doctors after judging the case said there was no malpractice at all, and how come they gave this verdict without interviewing the one accountable for anesthesia, MD Tulbure.
At the request of Romanian Civic Forum, the NCRSA asked the files of all Hierarch of the Orthodox Church and lay electors, members of the Church National Assembly, so to be studied before election of a new Patriarch of Romania.
Until now three Orthodox hierarchs declared that they had past relations with former Securitate: Metropolitan Nicolae of Banat, Archbishop Teodosie of Tomis [no evidence of any report towards Securitate has ever shown] and Bishop Andrei Andreicut [same as for Teodosie no evidence of reporting was given].
The only clear evidence of cooperation with former Securitate is that of Abbot of Stavropoleos Monastery, Iustin Marchis, who was reporting to the Communist Secret Police on the wife of a former Ambassador of Switzerland who visited him while Iustin was young abbot in Cheia Monastery.
Nine days after the burial of Patriarch Teoctist the Lumina newspaper, the only Orthodox daily in Romania, is publishing an extensive article on Russian Orthodox Church titled: “Kremlin, Ardor and Faith”. The article emphasizes the majesty and the power of the Orthodox Church in Russia. What is really interesting in this tribute article is the second heading stating: Moscow the Third Rome.
Could it be the sign of a new policy of the interim of the Romanian Orthodox Church towards Russian Patriarchate or just the willing and the perception of the lay people in Romania?
It is well known that after Patriarch Teoctist revived [in 1992] the Metropolitanate of Basarabia and brought it back under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Patriarchate after 51 year of Socialist Soviet rule. Ancient Metropolitanate of Basarabia was dissolved by the Soviet power in 1941, one year after this Romanian territory was occupied by the Red Army in 28 June 1940. In 1941, the Russian Orthodox Church established in Basarabia a new bishopric, called Metropolitanate of Moldova, under the jurisdiction of Moscow Patriarchate that still functions.
The re-activation of ancient Metropolitanate of Basarabia under the jurisdiction of Romanian Patriarchate created much tensions and fracture in bilateral brotherly relations between the two Churches. It created also State tensions as Republic of Moldova recognized the Metropolitanate of Basarabia only after a European Court of Human Rights sentence.
Patriarch Teoctist tried many times to relax the situation in Republic of Moldova [Basarabia] and in 2000 he responded to invitation consecrating together with Patriarch Alexey II the Cathedral Christ the Savior and in 2006, meet Alexey again at the World Encounter of Religious Leaders.
As you may read in this blog, in an article from March 29, 2007, Patriarch Teoctist was ready to make a pastoral visit in Metropolitanate of Basarabia.
Taking into consideration that at the funerals of Patriarch Teoctist, Patriarch Alexey did not participated, but sent a message and a delegation, also considering the past not yet alleviated tensions, the extensive article in Lumina and especially the heading “Moscow the Third Rome” could mean a new pitch for remaking of policy relations between the two Churches, especially after last month declaration of Pope Benedict XVI.
As written in Lumina’s heading: “the publication is an initiative of Orthodox lay sustained by Metropolitanate of Moldova and Bucovina”, thus, under the leadership and the blessing of Metropolitan Daniel, now Locum Tenens of Patriarch of Romania.
In an interview given to Mediafax and than published by many commentators Bartolomeu said he will not candidate: "it is obvious that a man in his 80s is not apropriate for Patriarchal positin. I do not wish to be Patriarch for few years only, to be buried with national funerals, post mortem decoration, trumpets, drums and 21 gun-salute , said metropolitan of Cluj being hironical to the funerals of Patriarch Teoctist.
Differently from Nicolae of Banat who stands for Daniel of Moldova, Bartolomeu did not express any opinion on the possible successor of Teoctist.
In context of media scandal regarding hierarchy cooperation with Securitate the declaration of Nicolae, Metropolitan of Banat, stating that the most merituous to candidate for Patriarchal position is Danel of Moldova seems to be a hiden attempt to limiting the real chances of Metropolitan Daniel.
Nicolae of Banat is the oldest in bishophood from among Romanian Orthodox Hierarchs. He recognized in 1990 that he cooperated with the Secret Police of the Communiste regime and gave tham information even regarding the priests under his authority.
Although he never retired Metropolitan Nicolae said to that a Law on Lustration is necessary in Romania as well as improvement of lustration procedures.
My statement regarding Archbishop Antonie of Transylvania was based from a story I know from a friend who heard it from his relatives, not from Securitate Archives.
Later on Dinescu came back and said the Patriarchate is full of undercovered inteligence officers. Again he came with no evidence on this matter and the Patriarchate si determined to clarify the statements of Dinescu in court.
As Memeber of the National College for Studying the Securitate Archives Dinsecu violeted the law on handeling and administrating the information by issuing false information on former Archbishop of Sibiu, Anthony.
Archbishop of Sibiu, Laurentiu Streza came publicly after Mirecea Dinescu said in a TV interview that there are evidences his predecessor Archbishop Antonie asked Ceausescu to rise him from Colonel to General Rank.
Archbishop Laurentiu warn Dinescu in public and asked him to show evidences.
Also the Father Costantin Stoica from Patriarchate Communication Department said to the media that Dinescu in his position as memeber of National College for Studying the Securitate Archives, can not come with statements without evidences.
In order to make the stituation cristal clear the Romanian Patrirachate said it will make a penal complaint to the prosecutor.
Archbishop Laurentiu came into the hierarchy of the Romanian Orthodox Church after a succesful career as Professor in Liturgical Theology. Becoming widow, he took the monastic wowes and was elected forst bishop fof Caransebes. Archbishop Laurentiu has four childeren. He knows the complexity of life church from parish up to metropolitanate as he was close to Metropolitan Antony. In defending him he reminded that Antony was a political convict and the communists emprisoned him.
Yestarday The Permanence of Holy Synod meet and decided that the election day for a new Patriarch will be 12 September 2007.
After the Holy Liturgy, at 10:00 The Holy Synod Session will begin to designate the candidates that will be submited to the voting procedure of the Church National Electoral College that is formed by representatives of all dioceses, Theological Faculties and Seminaries in a percentage of 1/3 clergy and 2/3 lay people.
Another mediatic bomb on Church - Securitate relationships was launched yestarday by Mircea Dinescu a member of National College for Studying the Securitate Archives. Since 17 years Mircea Dinescu is speaking to the media and is writing or talking in TV Shows on this issue, but he was not able to come with more than one document on clergy effecive collaboratian with the former political police of the Communiste regime [the only documents he was able to show were the files of Iusin Marchis, former abbot of Cheia Monastery, actual abbot of Stavropoleos Monastery in Bucharest, reporting on Sitzerland Ambassador's Wife.
Yet, Dinescu keeps talking. Yestarday he said that the former Metropolitan of Sibiu, Archbishop Antonie asked Ceausescu to rise him to the rank of General of Securitate. Asked preciselly Dinescu said there is a letter ... but he is not able to show it. Dinescu also declared that the Securitate Academy used to select graduates and sent them to the Theological Institute in Sibiu to penetrate the Church structures. Again he came with no evidence.
After launching these media bombs he said that the files of all Hierarch of the Orthodox Church will be checked before elections of a new Patriarch.
On 6th of August, MP Sorin Paveliu declared in an interview given to BBC that either Ministry of Health should complain to the General Prosecutor [GP] or the GP should act in his own right.
The law is clear. It can not be claimed that the Patriarch was informed and gave his consent unless there is a document signed by him, and that is according to the law. In short, any medical intervention without IFORMED CONSENT is illegal, no mater how old was the pacient or how many are claiming that the Patriarch was was informed verbally.
On the same line, the corp handeling after death was done also with many infringements of the legislation, subject to one to three years conviction in prison. There is no hospital exit documentation, no family member or legally entrusted person was called to sign the exit procedure, no trace and documentation on embalming procedure or information regarding the place where the embalming was done, if it was done in the hospital or at the Patriarchate [given the fact that after three hours of death acertain (17:00) the Patriarch corp exit the hospital and at 9:00 was brought to the Patriarchal Cathedral]. According to this timing, it means that the legal regulations on time between death and embalment was not respected at all if it was done in the hospital. If it was done after the hospital it was done also without documentation procedure, there is no identity on the embalment service provider and if it was authorized or not for embalming procedure. The embalming substance is not known also if it was done with or without presevation of organs.
Shortly speaking MP Sorin Paveliu, who is a Medical Doctor by profession, stress to BBC that the Prosecutors should act.
The Bucharest Medicine Doctors College concluded today that there is no evidence of malpractice or mal-procedure regarding the case of Patriarch Teoctist, as the mass-media accused and Prof. Dr. Ursea, the personal Doctor of the Patriarch, stated.
The conclusion of the Bucharest MD College will go either for ratifiaction or rejection to the National Medicine Doctors College.
Yet, many medicine doctors including the personal doctor of the Patriarch keep saying that the surgery was not necessary, it was not an emergency case, it maybe needed hospitalization for one or two weeks, and a careful evaluation of the pacient. They state firmly that from 6:00PM Sunday, hospital enter, until 8:30 AM Monday, surgery begin, there was no time to make and have the results for minimal blood pack analysis. Mass-media is also stressing this point of view.
The National College for Studying the Securitate Archives stated today to mass-media that all potential candidates for the position of Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church will be invited for interview and their files will be checked.
It means that about twenty five Bishops, Archbishops and Metropolitanes will have soon given to public all information either they had or had not cooperation with Foreign Inteligence Department or the Securitate Service of former Communiste Regime and were involved or made political police activities.
National Initiative Party, a non-parliamentarian small party, attacked the initiative of Vice President of Democratic Party, Sorin Frunzaverde [also memeber of the Church National Electoral College] on declaring his favourite candiate for Eelections of the new Patriarch of Romania.
Cosmin Guse, President of National Initiative Party reacted very quick and tough to statement of Sorin Frunzaverde regarding Daniel of Moldova as future Patriarch, asking Frunzaverde to abstain from putting into effect any influence. Guse also said that it is not the first time when Frunzaverde used his twofold influencing power as he was strongly and succesfully involved also in the very tide elections for Metropolitanate of Ardeal, taking side with Bishop Laurentiu, now Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Ardeal.
National Initiative Party address also to the National Grand Lodge of Romania regarding Patriarchal Elections.
Given the fact that Sorin Frunzaverde is [or was according to his late sttement] a freeemason the National Initiative Party addressed to Grand Master, Eugen Ovidiu Chirovici to apart the National Grand Lodge of Romania from any statement made by freemasons in case of Patriarchal elections in Romania.
Trying get the attention of the Romanian electorate, National Intitiative Party [NIP], as a small, non-parlamentarian party [also attempting to participate in Euro-Parlamentarian elections] is trying to use the circumstances after Patriarch Teoctist death and become important “protector” of Church values. Thus, the President Cosmin Guse stated with much stanchness that “ the vote for the new Patriarch has not to be traced outside but stay inside the Church National Electoral College and the vot has to be given according to the values, traditions and the by-laws the are governing the Church".
The worries of NIP are not real, as out of 170 electors ony eight to ten are also politicians. NIP is mostly trying to use as political platform the circumstances and attract electorate as according to statistisc the most trustable institution in Romania is the Orthodox Church.
Nowdays Vice President of Democratic Party, former Minister of Waters, Forests, and Environment [1997-1998 Februry], former Minister of Turism [April – December 1998], former minister of National Defence March-december 2000], stated that the future Patriarch of Romania will be Metropolitan of Moldova.
Sorin Frunzaverde is member of the Romanian Church National Electoral College, the one that will finaly elect the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church at the proposal of the Holy Synod which will come with one up to three candidates.
In spite the fact that the mass media, early before his statement, already launched a debate on how much the elections will be influenced by the political parties, and published the list of the about eight politicians that are members in the Church National Electoral College, Sorin Frunzaverde state his opinion declaring that “personally I will involve myself for Matropolitan Daniel of Moldova”.
The leader of the Conservative Party, Mr. Dan Voiculescu stated that given the fact that the President of Romania post-mortem decorated Patriarch Teoctist with Star of Romania in Rank of Collar, Traian Basescu has to explain why he assumed and promulged the Tismaneanu Report on Condemnation of Communism, were Tismaneanu [by the way … the child of hard Communists leaders that have been marginalized in the 50s, now professor of politology in USA]wrote that: “Patriarch Teoctist was reliable to the Communist regime and a messenger of the communist political power”.
Dan Voiculecu said: “Basescu has to explain when was he laying: when assumed the Tismaneanu report in spite of all criticism on the accuracy and misdocumentation of it or when he post-mortem decoarated Patriarch Teoctist”. He accused Basescu of cynism and hypocrisy and ask for “clarification and a public statement retracting the accusations of the Tismaneanu report”.
The mass-media comments were in favour to Dan Vasilescu, stating that, comparing to Basescu decree of decoration, the Emil Constantinescu, former President of Romania decorated Patriarch Teoctist with the Star of Romania in Rank of Grand Cross [the second rank of Star of Romania] for his merites, efforts and contribution to the Church Unity and Peace right after the historical visit of Pope John Paul II. The media commented that for Basescu Patriarch Teoctist was not good alive but is excelent while death.
After careful and hard work investigation jurnalists Luciana Pop and Victor Roncea from Ziua, a prominent daily newspapers in Romania, concluded that the Prof. Dr. Sinescu surgery team broke even the most elementary medical rules and the right of pacient.
1. First, Dr. Sinescu took a sugery decision without even making the main elementary set of blood, lungs, heart, and extra urine analysis. 2. Second, he did not anounced MD. Prof. Dr. Ursea, the personal doctor of the Patriarch about hospital enter. MD. Prof. Dr. Ursea said that the Patriarch received three weeks before a treatment for a urinary infection. 3. Dr. Sinescu was brought to the Patriarch by parish priest Gheorghe Pop, not a staff member of the Patriarchal Administratin. Father Pop refused to give any comentary about himself acting like a middleman between Dr. Sinescu and the Patriarch. He said: I would not make any comment without approval from Bishop Vincentiu Ploiesteanu, the Secretary of the Holy Sinod. 4. Although Dr. Sinescu said that the intervention was urgently necessay the public aparances of Teoctist prove the contrary. At the Eastern Lithurgy this spring he served without missing not even a minute hours and hours until 3:00 AM, yet some younger clegy left the Liturgy for few minutes than came back. At other public events that took hours and hours, as most of the Orthodox Services, was the same, the Patriarch did not lleft the service for restroom. 5. Dr. Udrea already recommended to Teoctist treatment for the infection and if necessary afterall a clinic in Germany. 6. The Patriarch was not informed about general anestezia but something similar with dentistry anestezia, said his personal driver who was with him all the time before surgery. 7. The necessary tretment for pacient stabilization before surgery was not at alll considered although Teoctist was 92 old. 8. Cardiological check-up was not done and no cardiologist was part of the surgery team. 9. When at 12:30 Monday morning M.D. Prof Dr. Ursea heard that the Patriarch is in the hospital he called Dr. Sinescu and asked what is the situation of the Patriarch and if Sinescu performed the surgery already, Sinescu said to Ursea that he did not yet begun the surgery. Ursea asked Sinescu to call him also in case after evaluation would decide to make surgery intervention and Sinescu promise he will do so. In fact the surgery begun at 8: 30 and ended at 10:00 when the Patriarch was moved to the intensive therapy hall. 10. Around 11:00 – 11:30, Costel Calapod the personal driver of the Patriarch after being informed that the intervention was succesful, he have seen general agitation, doctors and nurses whitening faces and he tried to enter to see in the intensive therapy room to see what is happening with the Patriarch. He was stoped and held by the doctors and few minutes later a bodygurad was posted at the door to restrict the drivers acces. 11. There was no INFORMED CONSENT procedure and sign up, Dr. Sinescu said that he did not want “to psichologically influence that pacient before surgery” or “offend the Patriarch”. 12. Dr. Sinescu also offically declared that the surgery took place from 8:30 to 10:30. Other specialist declared to investigation jurnalist that this tipe of intervention coul not take more than one hour. 13. Asked by Jurnalists Dr. Sinescu recognized that there could have been other more simple, without risk solution: medicatio for the prostate and and a citostome or a sonda. Ten of thousand people in Romania are living with this adaptable sysetms. 14. Although Dr. Sinescu said to Dr. Ursea at the phone that at 12:00 he did not even begun the surgery in the offical death communique Dr. Sinescu said that at 12:00 the Patriarch begun to heve heart problems, coughing and expectoration with blood, and the team started resuscitation work. 15. This above communique is against a previous one from 2007-07-30 given to the MediaFax Press agency by a staff of Dr. Sinescu team at 15:30 and spread in the news flux by Stefan Pricop at 16:03:45”. 16. Other sources from the hospital, kept for the moment anonimous by the journalist, declared that the Patriarch never awake from anestezia and than coma. 17. At 16:16:54” the Romanian Patriarchate sent to the media agencies a communique stating that they heve been informed form the hospital that at that very moment the Patriarch is in good standing. 18. At 17:17 Hour in press conference Dr. Constantin Popa, Fundeni Hospital Director [he was not informed about hospitalization of Teoctist, but only at 14:00 hours] declared that according to the Medical Commission Sinescu – Tulbure after heart complications the death was declared and documented at 17:00. 19. Thus from 17:00 to 17:17 the a. doctors established the death of the pacient b. leave the medical tools c. wash hands and sanitize d. take of the surgery wear e. go to director office f. held meeting and decide how and what to write in the communique g. give to secretary to write, write and print it h. verify and sign i. walk to the elevator j. call the elevator k. go down to floor 0
NB : After time measuring the experts said "this is not possible".
The press was already anounced as Fundeni Hospital is about 8 km from Bucharest downtown
20. Ministry of Health found about it one hour later 21. Prof. Dr. Ursea declared that it seems to him that Sinescu-Tulbure held him intentionaly aside and did not consult with him but even lie to him and misinformed. He also said the this urgency and the intentional misinformation are inexplicable as the case of Patriarch Teoctist was not an emergency and there was enough time for a professional medical evaluation.
The personal doctor of Patriarch Teoctist, M.D. Nicoale Ursea, blames the doctors team who performed the prostate surgery. Ursea said that the general anesthesia was not necessary, especially in this case of laparoscopic intervention. But more than that, he said that the prostate intervention was not necessary. Ursea says that the Patriarch suffered only from a severe urinary infection that first had to be treated and than make investigations on prostate illness. MD Ursea and also other doctors are claiming that the general procedure for surgery under anesthesia of a 92-year old were not at all followed, the 1 to 7 days of pre-surgery preparations was not through. Other MD said forthrightly that from the time of his entry and registration in the hospital, Sunday evening around 6:00 PM, until the surgery begun, Monday morning 10:00 AM, there was not even time to have the all blood analysis results.
A commission has been formed in the College of Medicine Doctors for investigating the actions took by and the performance of Prof. Dr. Ionel Sinescu, the doctor who did the surgery. The State Secretariate of Health will also conduct an administrative investigation on this case.
At 11:oo hours under the leadership of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomeu I of Constantinople the Funeral Service begun according to the Funeral Order for the Monks consisting. It is a special order based on the Order of Ressurection Service according to Christian Orthodox Tradition. After Procession around the Cathedral the coffin with the earthly remains of Patriarch Teoctist were borught in front of the National Guard Regiment that presented the Honor and 21 gun salute, the National Hymn was performed and than the body of Patriarch teoctist was gave to the 4th cathedral patriarchal tomb, early prepared.
From now on all who would like to pay tribute to Patriarch Teoctist will find his tomb in the right side of the Cathedral.
The Messages Were Addressed to the Holy Synod of The Romanian Orthodox Church, to The Romanian People and the Orthodox Belivers.
The ceremony begun with message from the President of Romania, Prime Minister and the Royal House of Romania.
Than it continued with messages from all Orthodox Churches from European, Balkan, Caucasus, Middle East, African and Asian Countries.
The Special envoy of the Anglican Church representing the Archbishopric of Canterburry addressed a message underlineing the personality of Patriarch Teoctist and his contribution to the development of Anglican - Orthodox Dialogue.
Cardinal Wlater Kaspar, the special envoy of Vatican, underlined Patriarch Teoctist contribution to the Dialogue for promoting the Christian Unity.
Archbisop Anastasios of Tirana, presented homage on behalf of the World Council of Churches.
Venerable William Collin came with message from the 123 memeber churches of the Conference of European Churches envisaging the contribution of Patriarch Teoctist to the development of the ecumenical life in Europe.
The Holy Lithurgy was served by Bishop Sebastian Ilfoveanu, vicar of the Archbishopric of Bucharest. The Liturgy was attended by more than 5000 people, among them meny public personalities in Romania. A regiment of the National Gurad also attend the Holy Liturgy and the whole funeral service up to the end presenting the honor.
It was continuous since the Patriarch was brought to the Cathedral in Bucharest. Night and day believers from all over the country came to pay tribute and respect to Patriarch Teoctist. The night before burial was no exception. People continued to flow on the hill of the Patriarchate until the Holy Lithurgy begun at 7:00 AM on 3th of August. There is no official estiamtion statistically speaking on how many people passed and worshiped at the cataphalque of Patriarch Teoctist.
This evening the Ecumenical Partiarch of Constantinople arrived in Bucharest. He first went to the Cathedral to pay tribute to Patriarch Teoctist and held a Memorial Service and than was received by President Traian Basescu.
The Ecumencial Patriarch Bartholomeu I will lead tomorow the Funeral Liturgical Service for Patriarch Teoctist.
After two days since issuing the decree of confering the Order Star of Romania in Rank of Collar, today at noon The president himself came to confer post mortem this special recognition for Patriarch Teoctist. All members of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church were present.
Patriarch Teoctist is the first Romanian citizen receiving the highest Rank of the Order of Romania's Star.
Reading the Decree the Secretary of the Order said: it is confered for his eminent contribution to the promotion of peace and dialogue among Christian confessions.
According to the Law and the regulations of the Order of Star of Romania the Rank of Collar can not be confered to more than 10 Romanians.
Prior to this former President Emil Constantinescu, after the visit of Pope John Paul II, confered to Patriarch Teoctist the Order of Star of Romania in Rank of Great Cross, an order also limited to only 80 members.
According to Orthodox Canons new elections are possible to be held right after the mourning 40 days period. It was offically said that on 9 of September the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church will organize elections for the new Patriarch of Romania. The procedures of elections are as following. The Synod will come with make proposals for candidates and the National Electoral Collegium (NEC) will elect one candidate. The National Electoral Collegium is formed 1/3 Clergy and 2/3 Lay people. The media already begun to speculate that in the NEC there are to meny people connected with political parties and there is possible that te politicians might influence the election of the new Patriarch of Romania.
The Romanian Permanent Synod oficillay anounced that until election of a new Patriarch Metropolitan Daniel of Moldova will be the loccum tenens in the Patriarchal Chair.
Today, First of August 2007, The Romanian Patriarchate confirmed that the funeral service at the burial of Patriarch Teoctist will be lead by His Highnes Patriarch of Constatinople, Bartholomeu I.
Traian Basescu the President of Romania honored Patriarch Teoctist [post-mortem] with Star of Romania In Rank of Collar, the highest distinction of the Romanian state.
It is the first time a Romanian citizen is honored with this decoration.
The Government of Romania will declare Friday, the day of the burial of Patriarch Teoctist, National Mourning Funeral Day in respect for the one who devoted his life to the Romanian People and the Orthodox Church serving both since he was 14th years of age.
For the moment it seems there is no written Last Will of the Patriarch but all commentators are envisaging and all people know that the Patriarch had a project and for that he struggled 17 years since the 1989 Revolution: The Nation Cathedral – this is considered to be The Last Will of Patriarch Teoctist.
The Apostolic Nuntiature in Bucharest announces a delegation representing Vatican will participate in the funerals of His Beatitude Teoctist. Indeed this is recognition and a tribute paid to the memory of the Romanian Patriarch that during his rule succeeded to build good and fraternal relations with Rome.
The burial will be held in Bucharest and the tomb of the fifth Patriarch of Romania will be placed in the Patriarchal Cathedral, the Cathedral that was saved by His Beatitude Teoctist from demolishing when Ceausescu ordered it to be removed from the center of Bucharest.
“We are beside the Romanian Orthodox Church and the faithful people, remembering this great Patriarch involved in ecumenical dialogue above all recalling the historical invitation towards Pope John Paul the Second”
Nicolae Vacaroiu, President of the Romanian Senate, and the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament came and express their deep sorrow and homage to the Patriarch. They were meeting by Bishop Vincentiu Ploiesteanu, the Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
After the Liturgy members of the Permanent Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church [all Archbishops/Metropolitans] began the first decision session. Among them Metropolitan Teofan of Craiova, Metropolitan Daniel of Moldova, Metropolitan Serafim of Germany, Archbishop Nifon of Targoviste and the Secretary of the Holy Synod, Bishop Vincentiu Ploiesteanul participated in. Metropolitan Bartolomeu of Cluj, Metropolitan Laurentiu of Ardeal, and Metropolitan Nicolae of Banat did not participated in this first session that took mostly decisions regarding the administration and the organization of the funeral. Those missing are expected to arrive in Bucharest this afternoon.
This morning, 31st of August the first Liturgy held by His Highness Serafim of Germania and Western Europe took place while thousands of belivers pay their tribute passing at the coffin with the earthly remainings of the Patriarch Teoctist.
Few minutes before 17:00 PM 30 of August 2007 His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist passed away.
Patriarch Teoctist one of the greatest Patriarchs of Romania died in Fundeni Hospital afer surgery intervention.
After elected Patriarch of Romania in 1986 he continued the policy of Patriarch Justinian and strenghten the Romanian Church during the hard policy years of atheistic Communiste Dictature.
During His Patriarchate the Theological Studies and the development of ecumenical relations flourished. Early in His Patriarchate he developed good ecumeical relations with the Protestant Churches, World Council of Churches and the Conference of the EUropean Churhces also with the Anglicans in his attempt to keep the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Romanian people connected with the Western world and the values of democracy. Late in His Patriarchate He build harmonious relationships with Pope John Paul II and the Roman Catholic Church in order to begin the rebuilding the Church Unity.
During his rule thousands of students and Ph. D. Candidates received scholarships in Germany, Great Britan, USA, Canada, Greece and other democratic countries as the intention of the Patriarch Teoctis was to keep the Romanian theologians and the Romanian Theology up to date and connected with the values of societies were Chuches have freedom to act and relate with the society.
Born in 1915, 7 February in Tocileni village, Botosani County, from parents Dumitru si Marghioala Arapasu, he was the tenth from eleven brothers.
In 1928 Teoctist become brother in Vorona Skete.
In 1931, enters in the monastic Seminary at Neamtu Monsastery.
Between 1932-1940 is follwing the Cernica Monastery.
1935, 6 august – At Bistrita-Neamt Monastery, he become monk by deposing the monastic woves.
1937, 4 January – Ordained hierodicon.
1940-1944 – Followed and graduated Magna cum Laude the Faculty of Theology in Bucharest.
1945, 25 March – Ordained hieromonk.
Betwee 1946-1947 – Followed the classes of Letters and Philosopy Faculty of Iasi University.
1950, 28 February – Elected vicar Bishop of Patriarch Justinian.
1950, 5 martie – Ordained bishop.
1950-1954 – Rector of the Theological Institute in Bucharest. Secretary of the Holy Sinod of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
1962, 28 July - Elected Bishop of Arad and Vicar of Gyula.
1969-1970 – Proxy Bishop of Oradea.
1973, 28 January- Elected Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia.
1977, 25 September – Elected Archbishop of Iasi and Metropolitan of Moldova and Suceava.
1980 July – 1882 January – Proxy Archbishop of Sibiu and Metropolitan of Transylvania.
1986, 31 July – 9 January – Proxy Archbishop of Bucharest, Mtetropolitan of Moldova and Dobrogea, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.