Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Vice President of Demorcatic Party, Sorin Frunzaverde Declared his Favourite Candidate as New Patriarch of Romania: Daniel of Moldova and Bucovina

Nowdays Vice President of Democratic Party, former Minister of Waters, Forests, and Environment [1997-1998 Februry], former Minister of Turism [April – December 1998], former minister of National Defence March-december 2000], stated that the future Patriarch of Romania will be Metropolitan of Moldova.

Sorin Frunzaverde is member of the Romanian Church National Electoral College, the one that will finaly elect the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church at the proposal of the Holy Synod which will come with one up to three candidates.

In spite the fact that the mass media, early before his statement, already launched a debate on how much the elections will be influenced by the political parties, and published the list of the about eight politicians that are members in the Church National Electoral College, Sorin Frunzaverde state his opinion declaring that “personally I will involve myself for Matropolitan Daniel of Moldova”.