Tuesday, July 17, 2007

His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist of Romania hopes that the Vatican will diplomatically revise and decode position on the "unique and the true Church"

His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist of Romania hopes that the Roman Catholic Church would revise the recent affirmations according to which the Roman Chatolicism is the “unique and the the only true Church of Christ” The hope of the Patriarch was in view of not imperiling the relationships between Orthodox and Roman – Catholic. The Patriarch leaves the door open by saying: we hope that the original document – now we only know from the press and the media – when it will be published and commented by the respective Congregation of Vatican can envisage other ways and other communication means so that an activity of many decades of theological dialogue will not be spoilled in this brutal way.

Patriarch Teoctist also expressed his surprise for this turn around and the new position of the Roman Catholic Church. He expressed frankly that the hope of the Orthodox Hirerchy was that the successor of John Paul the Second would continue the work that has been done in the prevoious Pontificate. Thus Patriarch Teoctist was convinced that the Vatican would find a way to introduce the document in such a way that the curent tensioned situation will be saved.“We have been astonished by such a declaration that is quarreling all Christianity. Tihs is not a thing bringing joy to God, who is the Father of all. Maybe rays of reason in the writings of the other Churches would come in order to find solutions and not fall into chaos. For the moment it is hard to find a way for continuing the dialogue with the Roman Catholc Church as they do not recognize the others as Church but as something private order. All the world, especially the Western side Roman-Catholics, Protestant, Anglicans and we the Orthodox engaged long ago with our best and most brightfull theologians to prepare the way for a holy unity. Many Churches will be troubled and those that were not in favor of dialogue and the fractions that were against, now are triumphing. Yet, this is not a happy moment . The Patriarch added that even the secular world is inspired by unity and fraternity.


Anonymous said...

E destul de interesant cum Patriarhul spera intr-o solutie diplomatica care are putea veni din interpretari ulterioare si si nu ia deocamdata decizia unui plan de reformare a relatiilor pe baza realitatii curente.

gabitzu said...

Photos taken last night immediately after his body was brought in the Cathedral: http://fotoblog.ro/2007/07/31/prea-ferictul-parinte-patriarh-teoctist-a-murit/

More photos will come in the next days on www.fotoblog.ro
