Sunday, March 9, 2008

Metropolitan and Archbishop of Cluj Has Something to Say

Archbishop Bartolomeu of Cluj declared to BBC Romania that the published version of the new statute of the Romanian Orthodox Church has some interpolations intruded which were not discussed or debated and approved. The issue was discussed in the March 2008 Session of the Holy Synod and clarified.

Archbishop Bartolomeu become Metropolitan [a higher rank in the Romanian Orthodox Church] after a lot of presure made towards and upon the Synodals of Romania and by spliting apart the Metropolitante of Ardeal, the inheritance of Metropolitan Andrei Saguna.

The controversy and the interpolation Bishop Bartolomeu is speaking about are related to the so called "stavropighi" monasteries depending directly under the authority of the Romanian Patriarchate and of course under the administration of the Patriarch.

The paradox of Archbishop Bartolomeu thinking and reflection is revealed in the fact that he is very much in favour to split ancient and traditional administrative units of the Church, also open administrative units abroad Romania, more exactly, the Romanian Patriarchate [in his vison} can and must open new administrative units aborad but not inside traditional teritory of the Romanian Patriarchate. He very soon forgot the split of Ardeal Metropolitanate just for him to have a higher position.

Audio declaration of Metropolitan and Archbishop Bartolomeu to BBC

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